As all of my friends and family roll their eyes as I begin another blog venture, I beleive I have finally found something here, at least for my own peace of mind. I have had such a struggle with settling in on one thing in life. It seems like I have so many interests and of coarse, not enough time. Don't get me wrong, I have found myself in many situations where I've felt like I had become sucessful at the things I set out to do in my own right, but I've spent much of my early adult life looking for where I really fit....
About a week ago as I was out for a run, I was pondering this fact. I was meant for something great, right? At least I've always wanted to believe that, don't we all? There must be some reason God made me this way, I thought. When I look around and see others who have found their "niche in life", I can't help but feel a bit lost. Some people even make good money doing the things that they love. As a child and throughout my life, I have always had a problem with finishing things I started. I have NEVER had a problem with passion and excitement for getting started with anything, quite the contrary. I wanted to do EVERYTHING! I wanted to try everything. I still do. I ended the run encouraged and the conversation with myself and God left me asking yet another question. Is it really so bad that I have so many interests? Isn't there a way that I can celebrate all of those things in some way or another? Can't I keep learning and growing in the things I wish to no matter what stage I find myself at in life? This question led me to start this blog. I've always dreamed of having a successful blog. I've started so many blogs with the idea that I could keep going on one subject, but the fact is that I would always stop before I got started. I never seemed to have enough time or mental energy to pour myself into one topic. I'd move on to something else and I would always feel like a failure before I got to the second or third post. I did it over and over again, all in the name of becoming a pro blogger at something I was not a pro at. This time, I plan to it differently. I plan to be me. Not incredible, always just a little bit divided, always wanting to be the best I can be, always wanting to write about what is near and dear to my heart. This blog will include anything and everything in my life that I'm currently "working" on. Faith, family, creating, writing, cooking, photography, and just about everything else.
Now that I can finally get real with you, let the blogging begin. I'm starting here, Sunday September 2nd, day one. I'll take this one day at a time.
Good girl! Love it!