Saturday, September 15, 2012

Café con leche with Stevia!

Today is the second day in a row that we have not had real coffee in the house...Plans to go to the store have turned into a Saturday morning lazy fest. We do, however, have milk and I did, however, find some instant coffee lurking in our cupboards. While I can see all of our Seattle friends rolling their eyes as they read this, just wait until you try it. I, the Seattle coffee snob happen to think this is quite delicious. While it doesn't replace my regular morning cup of coffee, it is a treat now and then that I enjoy. Our dear friends, Luke and Janell Ibsen taught us how to make this South American coffee drink when we were on vacation with them before we had Mason and I had forgotten I had bought some instant coffee to make up a batch here and there.
Mmmmm. Café con leche. Delicious!
Now, Café con leche is made up of scalded milk prepared over the stove, equal parts of sugar ( which means a cup of milk to a cup of sugar) and instant coffee to look/taste. Not exactly healthy....but I modified by using 1/4 cup stevia to a cup of milk and nonfat milk and is t.a.s.t.y. So tasty, in fact that I made my self two cups. For my second cup, I added some pumpkin syrup I made the other day with stevia, so both of my cups were sugar free. Totally worth the effort.
Thanks Luke and Janell for passing on your coffee tradition and saving my Saturday. Everyone should make themselves a cup right now. Go ahead, I dare you.

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